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  • Counter System Instructions

    standard counter closeup 3 light

    Jetson handset closeup light
    There are two types of counter systems in use. One uses a seperate volume control block with headphone jack, and the other places the volume control and headphone jack on the handset cradle. With both types, the handset is hearing aid t-coil compatable and amplified. The 3.5mm jack can be used to attach headphones, earbuds, neckloop, or a cochlear implant patchord. When a device is plugged into the jack, the handset audio is off, but the loop transmitter remains active, allowing used of a t-coil on one ear and cochlear implant patchcord on the other. Headphones, neckloops, cochlear implant patchcords, and other external attachments must be provided by the passenger. To use the system:

    1. Begin by turning the volume control knob fully counterclockwise to its lowest setting.

    2. Place the handset to the ear and adjust the colume until the agent's coice is clear.

    3. To use an external device such as a headphone, plug it in, place on ears, then turn up volume.

    4. To use with hear aid t-coil, place hearing aid on "T" setting, plug in neckloop or hold handset to t-coil equipped hearing aid, then turn up volume.

    5. To use with cochlear implant, plug patchcord into implant, then into system jack. (Attenuated patchcord works best). Then turn up volume on system.

    When finished, please remove any devices plugged into the jack, hang the handset on the cradke, and turn the volume fully counter-clockwise to its lowest setting for the next user.


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