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  • Airports Are Very Noisy Places

    The combination of hundreds of travellers, public address announcements, friendly conversations, and equipment make for a great deal of background noise. This noise creates a difficult listening environment for everyone, but most of all for the 28 million gearing impaired people in the United States. When a person has trouble understanding in a noisy airport, an anxiety-filled experience can result. Gate numbers. times, and directions can be easily misunderstood. The noise in a the terminal at peak times can make everything run together, even with airline employees trying to speak up and enunciate clearly. It can be embarrassing to ask agents to repeat themselves, and guessing at what was said can result in a missed flight. Travel under these circumstances can be exhausting and frustrating.

    Everyone at times misunderstands conversation when background noise levels are high. The English language is full of similar sounding words, and background noise can make them harder to distinguish. For people with even mild hearing impairments the difficulty is much greater. When things are rushed, crowded and important, missing what is said can be frustrating.

    Unfortunately airport noise cannot be eliminated, but its effects can be minimized. AmericanAirlines®/ AmericanEagle®, always a leader in passenger comfort and convenience, and Audex, a leading U.S. manufacturer of assistive listening devices, have taken the exciting steps to gather data and test a new system design at the AA gate counters in the DFW airport. This unique listening system allows the passenger to amplify and focus on the gate agent's voice regardless of the amount of background noise present. This study is an important step toward solving the noise induced confusion in airports and AmericanAirlines® and Audex want your input. Try and fill out the online questionnaire, and send it along to us.

    Your input can make a difference!


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